Noemi Roser

Multidisciplinary designer, specialised in interaction and UX design.
Originally from Germany, currently based in London, UK.

Reach out for more work samples.

Clients ︎︎︎ Meta, Google, BBC, Nike, Dell, Alienware, Huawei, Microsoft, Cambridge University, Mosa Meat, Formo, Cinereach, Chef Coco, Remagine, Foodji, and more ︎ 

Noemi Roser

Multidisciplinary designer, specialised in interaction and UX design based in Amsterdam, NL.


Cit Together

This project addresses the lack of communication in our society. Most people rarely come into contact with strangers. In order to strengthen the feeling of community we built a conceptual set up that allows strangers to talk to each other without prejudices.


We all like to stay in our comfort zone and stick to what we know. The problem with that is that we lose touch with the rest of society and the people we share our surroundings with. This often leads to misconceptions and prejudices which can create a fear of the „others“ (Xenophobia). This fear could be prevented by simply talking to each other.


We wanted to analyze how we can connect strangers... That's a pretty tough challenge and since we couldn't focus on a specific groups (because everybody should be included) we decided to focus on the where instead of the who. We chose to work in public spaces such as parks, train stations etc. where we set up several stations that were built to trigger interactions.

1. Peak an interest

To attract the attention of strangers it takes a lot.
So to draw them in we built a bigger set up that resembles a funnel. It's meant to attract any passerby, make them feel comfortable and finally open them up to a conversation with a stranger. By scanning the QR code or using one of our tablets they could get to our website. 

The users fill the gaps in the sentence ‘I feel ____ because people think that I ____.’ anonymously. Their statement gets printed out immediately and is hung up as part of the installation. The different statements attracted new people to join.

2. Start a conversation

After they fill in their statements about prejudices the set up led them to one of two seats. The seats were separated by a wall so the two participants couldn't see each other. We built sensors into the seats that recognize when someone sat down. As soon as there were two participants a timer of 10 minutes started. The participants were informed of the timer by a sound and a LED light.

Now they were meant to have a conversation guided by a set of questions provided by us. After the 10 minutes were over they could stand up and actually see each other.

Created with the help of Ferdinand Sorg and Joshua Bökle in 2020

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