Noemi Roser

Multidisciplinary designer, specialised in interaction and UX design.
Originally from Germany, currently based in London, UK.

Reach out for more work samples.

Clients ︎︎︎ Meta, Google, BBC, Nike, Dell, Alienware, Huawei, Microsoft, Cambridge University, Mosa Meat, Formo, Cinereach, Chef Coco, Remagine, Foodji, and more ︎ 

Noemi Roser

Multidisciplinary designer, specialised in interaction and UX design based in Amsterdam, NL.


Good Night.


Young doctors and medical students who start their work in the hospital/ medical field often feel physically and mentally overwhelmed.

Dealing with patients for the first time while actually being responsible for their health can be challenging. There are rarely systems in place for young doctors to speak about their patients, experiences and fears during work. So they tend to go home with lots on their minds...


Through my personal life, I come into contact with many young doctors and medical students and hear about this struggle often. So I decided to create a notebook that helps them reflect on the day and cope with the experiences without disrespecting patient’s confidentiality. 

The questions are designed to get you thinking and to reflect openly:
︎︎︎ Hey, how do I feel about this? Why do I feel this way?

By writing it down your mind will feel lighter and more balanced.
It's a simple but truly effective concept.

Created in 2021

︎︎︎ Previous project
Take me home ︎